Last Post: Shanghai Recap

After a health scare last June, I realized there are things I should be doing more of... like, to name a few, be with my loved ones and see new places with them every chance I get. The trip to Shanghai was a result of this realization.

There was a long weekend coming up at that time. Shanghai's weather was not too cold yet. The Expo was still on. The e-passport renewal, visa application and arrangement with the tour provider went smoothly as well. And the trip to that part of the world was a first for me and Jerry. Everything was in our favor, plus, of course, it was my birthday too. The decision to go was almost instantaneous. :)

And so the last 8 posts (links below) are about the sights we were blessed to see in Shanghai. The 72 hours were well-spent and we enjoyed every minute of it. Hopefully, the next chance we get to visit, it will be with the rest of the brood.

Marriott Courtyard Xujiahui

World Expo 2010
Catholic Church in Communist China
Shanghai Museum
Nanjing Road
Silk Factory, The Bund
Yuyuan Garden

On to the next adventure...

Tired feet


  1. Shanghai is changing so fast, it is amazing.

  2. my thoughts exactly bertN. awesome place! :)


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