The Silk, The Lunch and The Bund

Our day-long guided tour of Shanghai gave us a glimpse of what Shanghai used to be and what it is now... a place where quite literally, old meets new, traditional meets modern and east meets west. Except for the language barrier we encountered occasionally, everything else in Shanghai has become cosmopolitan... diverse...

lunch package courtesy of Great Wall Tours

Jiangnan Silk Factory
We had the chance to see how silk (used to be called "soft gold") is being made and why this oldest known textile is considered a luxury and enjoyed only by royalties in the olden times.

making a silk quilt
trying our hands on stretching silk to make quilt

Cruising on the Huangpu River (The Bund)

Cruising on the Bund (Huangpu River)

Cruising on the Bund (Oriental Pearl TV Tower in the background)

Buildings on the Bund (Pudong side):

Shanghai World Financial Center - tallest building since 2008

"SWFC can survive a massive 8 magnitude earthquake. There are fireproofed floors for escape; a dozen sets of obstacle indicator lights to warn low flying aircraft, as well as two wind dampers to reduce wind acceleration by 40%. In addition to lightning conductors covering the building, its glazed glass skin also protects against lightning and looks good too."

Jin Mao Tower - used to be the tallest; now the second tallest building

Oriental Pearl TV Tower

"This 468 meters (1,536 feet) high tower is the world's third tallest TV and radio tower surpassed in height only by towers in Toronto, Canada and Moscow, Russia."


  1. Shanghai is rapidly giving New York a competition, at least from my perspective. It will take years but it is inevitable.

  2. i surely agree! it does give you that modern city vibe. and it will be like new york as soon as the people start learning english fast. :)


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