First Week
We have moved a few times in the past. This was our 3rd. And each time, we are excited and hopeful that the new place would be better than the last. To those (few blog readers) not in the know, we lived with my mother-in-law for 7.5 years, then bought a condo and stayed there for 7.5 years. We sold the latter for a decent extra and bought a townhouse. Four years and one month later, we moved to this current one, a (condo-sized? :D) house... For how long we'll stay is another story, but we plan to stay put for as long as the space permits. :D Barely 1 week from the time we moved in, I think I have rearranged the furniture quite a bit I hope I didn't cause any permanent damage to the flooring. :) So far, this is how part of the ground floor looks like... standing from the main entrance, the living area is on the left, tv room on the right, dining area by the yellow wall, and partly hidden on the right is the kitchen More pics to follow as soon as I'm done empty...