Goodbye Winter!

Glory to God for Spring is Here
Toronto, Canada

"Glory To God In The Highest"

Glory to God in the highest, Glory to God in the highest, And peace to His people on earth Lord God, Heavenly King, Almighty God and Father We worship You We give You thanks We praise You for Your glory
Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father Lord God, Lamb of God You take away the sins of the world Lord, have mercy on us You are seated at the right hand of the Father Receive our prayer
For You alone are the Holy One For You alone are the Lord For You alone are the Most High Jesus Christ With the Holy Spirit In the glory of God the Father

Gabby is now officially 3 ft tall! His full winter has allowed him to grow bigger but at the same time become more lovable in his mischievous ways. Since September, he bade goodbye to his 2 sets of lolos and lolas who left for the Philippines before the onset of the cold-er season.

Although Winter wasn't harsh this year, we still had enough snow to be able to sled. We had 4 or 5 major snow storms, the last one last Wednesday but the snow banks never reached more than Gabby's height. :) Now we're ready for Spring!

Expect more outdoor pics as we step out of our cabin fever and enjoy the sun!

Indeed Glory to God!

by Junnie


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