
Showing posts from February, 2012

Repurposing Test Tubes

I have seen it in magazines before. For somebody, like me, who is not much of a fan of vases and 1980s bric-a-brac my Ma loves (hehe), this find is a good compromise. No space footprint is necessary because it is wall-mounted and no special skills on flower arrangement is required. Just put in short-stemmed flowers and a small amount of water and voila!... a novel idea for our flowers for the mini altar. These test tubes are attached (can be removed for cleaning) to a wrought iron frame and bought from a Cebu shop all for P360 (about USD8). :) Best thing is, Ma likes it too.

Everyday's a Holiday

It's a non-working holiday today in Cebu in observance of the city's Charter Day. Because of the long weekend, I'm sure some people have made plans to go out of town, up the mountains, to the beach or on a long drive... And while I sit here sipping a cup of green tea on this sunny afternoon, I relish the view of my Pa and his loyal friend, Bo. :) To Pa, At 70yo and long-retired from employment (but still an entrepreneur), everyday is a holiday. :)

Kyle's Initiation, The Good Kind

Two Saturdays ago, Kyle received the third of the Sacraments of Initiation... the Sacrament of Confirmation (the first two being the Sacraments of Baptism and Communion)... Most of the third year high school students of his school together with their sponsors or godparents, solemnly participated in and observed the ceremonies. " roboratio spiritualis " Here's praying for our middle son's deepened faith and life as a Catholic... May he be given the strength to resist temptations, and the grace to become more Christ‑like.

MV Logos Hope

Back in the day, Ma would sometimes bring Junnie and me to Bookmark, Escolta branch, a few blocks away from her place of work. It was a treat for us especially after having behaved well in Ma's office in the morning and having eaten lunch properly at Sunburst. The smell of newly printed book paper as soon as we entered the bookshop gave us a different kind of "high". Immediately, Junnie would immerse himself in a copy of Guinness Book of World Records or some basketball fact book while I would hop from one Lady Bird book to another, reading about a myriad of titles about insects, scientists or saints. Fortunately, this love for books, especially in this digital age, quite rubbed off on the next generation. My sons, though in varying degrees of interest, like poring over books as well. Imagine the boys' excitement to see the floating bookstores MV Doulos and MV Logos Hope when they berthed in Cebu's pier in 2007 and 2012 respectively. ... at MV Doulos

Channeling His Inner Harry Potter

The notice was posted days in advance in my grade 1 son's assignment notebook. Book Character Day, January 31... all grade school students were to come to school in their favorite book character costume. For some (lame) reason, this OC-mom here had a mental lapse and totally forgot about it until the night before the day itself. Malls were closed and from the only one that was open, we managed to get a piece that was not even close to the look of the real thing. At home, I literally rummaged through everyone's pile of clothes to complete the outfit and resemble the chosen book character. Here is the "young Harry Potter" look we came up with at the last minute... Please tell me it's not too shabby. Haha! a pair of chopsticks bound together for the wand :D

Kyle in Wonderland

It's hard to imagine... Is there a slow-mo or pause button somewhere? How did our second son Kyle who used to be like this... turn out to be like THIS... what seemed like a blur? Here he is with 15 year old buddies during their Junior-Senior Prom at the Waterfront Hotel last Jan 29... No, I wasn't a tag-along-mom. This pic of Kyle with his date was swiped from Mr. Suralta's album here. Here are two more swiped pics of Kyle dancing (their rehearsed cha-cha. hehe)... Two years ago, I wrote about my thoughts during our elder son Matt's prom... click here . I hope I'm getting better at this "letting go" thing. *sigh*