
Showing posts from November, 2012


From out of nowhere, I invited my 16 year old son to join me in one of my yoga sessions, just this once, for fun. I prepared myself for the expected negative reply knowing that he is the type to indulge in more active sport, you know, the rough and tumble kind, but got the surprise when he readily said yes. While at the studio, I was worried he might flake out at the last minute especially since there were very few male participants in that time slot. He didn't and oh, what a treat that was for me. He may have the tough and cold demeanor about him, this son of mine as opposed to his elder brother's light and funny, but this gesture was really sweet. Who would have thought? As a side note, it was his first but after a short lesson from the instructress, he was doing headstands on his own! I was impressed! photo credit: michele i. Newbie A post shared by Linnor🇵🇭 (@linnor) on Nov 29, 2012 at 7:38pm PST via Instagram I've r...

Bespectacled From Now On

via Instagram It was something the Pediatrician told us before. Being exposed to oxygen in the NICU (due to low birth weight - born at 8 months weighing only 2 pounds) might affect our 8yo boy's vision adversely... 😞. Having imperfect eyesight that runs on both sides of the family didn't help his case. So when he had his refraction yesterday, we were not too surprised when he was diagnosed with astigmatism. He was prescribed to wear eyeglasses to manage his vision. So today was his first day.  He was a little uneasy at the start... Soon, wearing this new accessory is something he will (have to) get used to.  Awkward just like when he was weaned from disposable diapers and introduced to briefs, but I'm sure it will grow on him.


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Hello Long Weekend!

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A Surprise from Hubby

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Longganisa and Pu-só

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Nice Day for Kite-Flying

via Instagram Looks like hubby is an expert at kite-flying. Before he could even let go, the kite seemed ready to soar! As for me... well... at first it hardly looked like kite-flying. Kite-pulling was more like it as hubby teased me. The kite refused to fly while I dragged it behind me. Haha! Thankfully, the wind helped and it didn't take long for me to get it off the ground. some of the other parents and kids flying their respective kites

Congrats Sunstar @ 30

via Instagram dressed up for dinner

Tried Max's Merienda Mix

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More... More Practice! :)

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via Instagram It used to be a no-brainer. When the two elder sons were younger, any gift they received, be it top of the line from generous relatives or simple (aka cheap from us no doubt), gave them the same degree of satisfaction. Nowadays, you have a better chance of winning in the lottery than successfully guessing what they want for gifts. They're just too polite but they would have preferred something else other than the colored patched shirts with the number 85 sewn on them (a private joke). You would realize you should have given them cash gifts instead when you find these shirts by chance at the bottom of the pile in their closet still looking brand-new even after a year or two. *sigh* A few years ago, we started a Christmas ritual wherein we wrote down our wishlists. As a guideline, the items don't have to be expensive (I hope this holds true for Jake who has set his eyes on that box of Halo worth P2000+!), but the more sp...

Because I Cannot Always Have You

Because I cannot always have you... I had to take your picture... LOL (a late post of one of the gifts given to me for my birthday) via Instagram

Modesty Patches to the Rescue

via Instagram *** the reward after all the twisting and inversions *** mango crepe with ice cream!!!

Of All Places - Starbucks

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via Instagram

To God Be The Glory

During the card distribution this morning, the boys also received their academic certificates for the 2nd quarter... something they eagerly but very very VERY anxiously await every grading period. I could understand the apprehension because... I am such a nag and they are probably scared of me or plain sick and tired of me being on their case nonstop. LOL. Me : Jake, it's card distribution pala this Saturday. I'm excited! Jake : Oh no... I'm dead... So here they are... the validation of their hardwork (not of my incessant harping). To God be the glory! via Instagram

Cafe Laguna with M

via Instagram Thank you for the dinner treat cuz! Happy 42nd!!! (((hugs)))


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Magnum Opus

My blogger friend M once said she's gotten tired of putting her food on instagram... She now posts her sketches. =) And after seeing her lovely sketches, the "gaya-gaya" muse inspired me. Seriously, I wanted to see if I had the talent. I figured it wouldn't hurt me to try. I downloaded the free app and even bought a few features to give me more elbow room to come up with decent creations. And this morning, I worked on my first magnum opus . Ha! There were many erasures and "trashed" pages. Thank God it's not real paper! And my fingertip was close to cramping on me! LOL. Finally, this is what I ended up with... I hope my creative muse doesn't tell me to just quit it and do something else instead. via Instagram


via Instagram My husband's father passed on 36 years ago when Jerry was barely in his teens. Despite the circumstances of having lost a dominant male influence, hubby turned out a very good person. I suppose I'm authority to say that as we have been together for the last 22+ years (and married 20+ years). Today, we visited his grave and said our prayers. I silently thanked the man who I may have never met but who did a great job of rearing the father of my sons...

In This House

Great design idea for wall art! I wish it were mine, but it's not... I just found this image online... :) Isn't that an inspiration? via Instagram

Making Space

When we first moved in last year, our modest home looked like this... This was the view from the tv room... Last Christmas, the cabinet by the window was moved, and in its place, I put a round table for our tree. 2011 This year, I moved several pieces of furniture around and switched sofas between the living and tv rooms. The cabinet stayed put by the window. The center table was pushed to the wall and the 4 stools that came with it were repositioned. Aside from extra seating, these were repurposed as footrest/center tables... I'm glad I didn't have to spend on anything except for the black and white cushions to give the room a new twist. Voila! The set-up now looks like this... 2012 via Instagram I'll add a nativity set as a reminder of the Reason for the Season. I must admit there's not much Christmas decor here because I shun plastic flowers or other dust magnets. The important thing is the mood and spac...

Relatable No?

via Instagram That was a quote from Don Cheadle that I screen-captured from the November 2012 issue of O(prah) magazine. With three sons aged 19, 16, and 8, I know too well how that feels. Then again, nobody said "letting go" would be easy. It's a phase. I know they will come round, and when that happens, then life will have come full circle as it is meant to be. :) And as Don Cheadle said, I'd be like: "Yeah!"

Cheap Bling

via Instagram Part 2 of my Payless finds >>> another stack of rings for P197. :)

Flora Spa

via Instagram The first part of our Fridate was spent at the spa near Georg Cafe and Tinder Box along Banilad Road. We wanted to try their 60-minute foot/head massage for P300. After a great yoga session earlier, I figured my feet needed some glorious "kneading" too while I lay comfortably on the recliner. As we were promptly ushered to their dimly lit wash area, I was relieved to see that it was... hmmm... clean enough. We were the only people inside the (foot) massage room so I was doubly glad that there wouldn't be any distractions. The session went smoothly except that the masseuse assigned to me sometimes did hard instead of medium or moderate pressing (ow!). I should have said "soft" or "light", my bad. The head and back massage were ok and made up for the over-stimulation of my calves. So, all's well. The 60-minutes flew by quickly and soon we were led back to the wait area where we were served ...

Friday Playtime

via Instagram It's Friday. Now giving Jake some extra time to play with his friends. :)

Stuck at Home

via Instagram more cone, no more skin infection, but still stuck at home...

Full for Today

via Instagram I'm happy to be back after a 2-week break. And because hubby bought me a 10-class package good for 2 months as a birthday gift (a subtle message that I need to tone myself, haha!), I have no reason not to go. :)

Look Who's Home

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Out of His Meager Allowance

via Instagram Today I wore the pair of earrings my 19yo son gave me recently on my 45th birthday... I wasn't expecting any material gifts from my boys that day, knowing that the money they have is just their school allowance, enough only for their snacks and minor needs. So imagine my surprise on my birthday when Matt handed me a tiny box. Matt: Happy birthday Ma! Me : Hey, thanks Matt! Matt: Hehe... sorry I didn't write anything on the gift card. Hm, ok... very much like his Pa, I thought. LOL I peeled the gold wrapper and red ribbon as I opened the gift. A delicate pair of earrings was inside. It wasn't anything branded, expensive or flashy, but it was (and will always be) a priceless token. My heart swelled with joy. What a loving and thoughtful gesture by a son to the first woman he ever loved. He is his father's boy alright.

Payless Finds

via Instagram Would you have bought the set of stacking rings for P395 (that is assuming you like it)? Some may think that this is quite pricey, while some may think it's not. Fortunately, I didn't have that dilemma and got these at a discount. How does P197 for a set of 6 sound? :) I can be cheap like that. LOL

Loyalty Awardee :)

via Instagram That would be me along with hubs, even if they spelled my name differently. :D

With Grannies on Nov 1

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At Last Night's Dinner

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