Out of His Meager Allowance

Today I wore the pair of earrings my 19yo son gave me recently on my 45th birthday...

I wasn't expecting any material gifts from my boys that day, knowing that the money they have is just their school allowance, enough only for their snacks and minor needs.

So imagine my surprise on my birthday when Matt handed me a tiny box.

Matt: Happy birthday Ma!

Me : Hey, thanks Matt!

Matt: Hehe... sorry I didn't write anything on the gift card.

Hm, ok... very much like his Pa, I thought. LOL

I peeled the gold wrapper and red ribbon as I opened the gift. A delicate pair of earrings was inside. It wasn't anything branded, expensive or flashy, but it was (and will always be) a priceless token. My heart swelled with joy. What a loving and thoughtful gesture by a son to the first woman he ever loved.

He is his father's boy alright.


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