(The last 20 days we spent vacationing at my brother's family home and around Canada and the USA seemed to just breeze by. And sitting here now at Toronto's Pearson Airport lounge, I open my iPad to my blog and see my brother's entry. *sigh* Goodbyes are always bittersweet no? Please read below how my brother writes about his son's way of coping...) This morning, while preparing to go to school, my 5-year old son asked, no - pleaded - if he can stay longer at home. In fact, he was asking permission if he can skip school to take advantage of the last few hours with his cousins. If you know Gabby, he has had bouts of separation anxiety in the past and one that can last for days. Once he woke up to a quiet house without his both sets of grandparents. He went to check one room, sat on where his Lolo Macy will be seen reading a book, then he moved to an empty kitchen where his Lola Premie would;ve been seen preparing lunch. Both times he'd quietly walk away wi...