
Showing posts from February, 2013

February Highlight

via Instagram Jake and the school President The weeklong school celebration for the Chinese New Year commenced with students of section Acquaviva doing a Chinese presentation during the grade school assembly. Jake and his classmates danced and looked very cute in their costumes. :) The parents were impressed at the outcome of their performance after having spent a week of practice after classes. Their performance was a fitting welcome for the Chinese New Year celebrations. Here's their dance... Jake is the one wearing a red top and black pants... (Please click the arrow below to view) The assembly was capped with the same students from Acquaviva leading the entire grade school in singing the school anthem. Here's a video of the singing... Check out 1:35 of the video where something happened... (Please click the arrow below to view)

From Way Back

via Instagram Throwback Thursday This photo was taken 9 years ago. Our eldest son is now in 3rd year college at DLSU, the second is graduating from Ateneo (Cebu) high school and that newborn in the pic is now in grade 2. He will soon celebrate his 9th birthday on March 11. Where did the years go?

A Better High

via Instagram I'm very thankful for our Instructor Kim's patience and motivation in assisting me as I learn to do the headstand... I'm getting there! :D

Touched the Relics of St. Therese Today

via Instagram "The relics travelled from the Basilica of St. Therese in Lisieux, France. St. Therese's relic, which consisted of her bone fragment, started her visit in the Philippines since 2000 and 2008. She also visited the country in December 15, 2012. This year is her third visit and is expected to tour around 48 key places in the country. St. Therese or Therese Martin was born in Alencon, France on January 2, 1873. She, along with her family, moved to Lisieux, where she was taught by the Benedictine Nuns of Lisieux. At the age of 15, Therese became a nun and dedicated her life in spiritual activities. Her life was written in her first autobiographical manuscript. She died on September 30, 1897 due to tuberculosis. She was then 24. Therese was canonized by Pope Pius XI on May 17, 1925 and was proclaimed by the same Pope as the Universal Patron of the Mission on December 14, 1927. On October 19, 1997, Pope John Paul II proclaim...

Relics of St. Therese Now in Cebu

via Instagram

And Then There Were Four

via Instagram This was taken a few minutes after the previous post. We've obviously ran out of things to do in the mall. Lol. We'll probably have early dinner at 530pm.

No Qualms

via Instagram Our middle son, who is soon to move to the bigger city for uni (Cebu to Manila), doesn't mind posing with me for a mirror shot... 😆😜

Saturday Afternoon Chatime

via Instagram ... with Pa, Ma, hubby and youngest son (not in pic as he was the one who took the shot)...

When the Cook is on Day Off

via Instagram ... and nobody wants to takeover the kitchen, we go out to eat. Today we tried David's Kitchen where we had yummy salmon with arugula, salpicao (too salty for my taste) and (not so) knockout knuckles for lunch. In fairness, this resto's coffee press is value for money.

Our Cup Runneth Over

via Instagram This family can heave a sigh of relief because it is now official. The results are out. Kyle passed the DLSU, Ateneo, and UP college admission tests! Three out of three. And we are so grateful for this overwhelming blessing. Even before Kyle took the tests last year, he has already set his heart on the same school that his elder brother, Matt, is attending. Matt is taking up Computer Science at DLSU. When we saw Kyle pass UP's Computer Science program (photo of notice posted above), I could clearly imagine him as a software developer doing app development and other awesome projects. It is a course that almost guarantees (those who are very good at it) a lot of job opportunities in the country and abroad. However, the school mattered to him (getting at DLSU) more than his degree of choice (Architecture, which, sadly, is not offered by DLSU). That is why he will pursue an equally excellent degree in Industrial Management E...

On the Brink

via Instagram I see young kids here playing and getting rowdy. It's Friday and it's dismissal time after all. :) They look like grade 1 or grade 2 students judging from their size... Where do they get such energy??? LOL Years ago our second son, 16yo Kyle, used to be that little too. *Sigh*

Nestled Closely

via Instagram Flashback Friday

Significant Decrease

via Instagram We diligently try to cut costs whenever we could. And next to groceries and fuel, the expense that's major (but controllable) is power. Unless you have other options (like stay in the office or mall all day) the A/C is the best way to cope with this humid tropical weather. It's definitely a challenge keeping the consumption down. Fortunately, January and February months are mild and some nights were cool enough for us to just enjoy the natural breeze. This morning I got hold of our newest VECO bill. And from last month, our current power cost dropped by 22%. Woot!

Not Much Difference?

via Instagram Throwback Thursday These are photos of my family with my MIL from 2006 and 2012.

Trying Jollibee's PhP49 Crispy Pork Steak

via Instagram

Have Hotel Mirror, Will Pose

via Instagram Seeing the full length mirror inside my SIL's booked room at Shangrila Resort, I got enticed to take a shot. This was yesterday so I missed my window in posting it as #ootd. LOL.

Look For Less

via Instagram

Animated Time

via Instagram Thanks to the internet, I came to know Den through her blog. She's based in Europe. It was a pleasant surprise when she and her hubby included Cebu in their vacation itinerary. That paved the way for an actual get-together. Amusing really. We have known each other for years but we only met each other last year. :) Seeing her for the first time was like seeing a long-time friend.

Enjoying Our View

via Instagram Thanks to relatives for another invitation... We're here again for lunch at Tea of Spring, Shangrila Resort Mactan.

On a Page of Cebu Yearbook

via Instagram That's me and Ma with friend Dahlia on page 68 of the Cebu Yearbook 2012. It's a stolen shot of us (no models' fee, hehe) at Starbucks in Ayala Center Cebu probably during one of our coffee dates. I posted it here before the 2013 yearbook comes out. Lol.

Free Date

via Instagram Our Saturday is booked. Nice time with kids who are purposely excluded from this photo to make it appear like hubby and I are on a date. Haha. Later, it's dinner with relatives.

At Cowrie Cove

via Instagram At Cowrie Cove, a bit early for our dinner invite. :D

Celebrating Hearts' Day

via Instagram

Tagaytay 2006 #ThrowbackThursday

via Instagram

This for Our (Free/Pre-) Valentine Movie Date :)

via Instagram

Dinner with Wine, Chocolates and Movie (Thanks to Globe!)

via Instagram

School Day Routine

via Instagram "Kuyas" and "Ate" check their wards' belongings especially the communication notebook. This is the next best thing when the mom or dad is not around to get the kid/s from school.

He Just Proved that Gumamela is Edible

via Instagram

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

via Instagram

Early for Chinese New Year's Eve Buffet

via Instagram


via Instagram We bought Manila-Cebu tickets for our sons for the holidays on Nov 1 and Christmas time this early to ensure cheap fares. It's something we need to do to avoid expensive travel costs during these peak seasons. Having (soon-to-be-two) college boys, expenses are bound to skyrocket and taking advantage of discounted fares is the way to go without sacrificing family time. 👬✈🎄🎁🎉

Preening But Nowhere to Go

via Instagram I love that this salon has a separate area for mani/pedi... otherwise the basin of water used to wash the feet will be poured right into the sink used for shampooing the hair. *shudder*

Throwback 2006

via Instagram


via Instagram Helping grade 2 son on his science research and taking a vanity shot... while in traffic.

Can You Tell If It's a Pony or a Mini Horse?

via Instagram from the archives Last year's pictures during the school fair.

Salamba Sirsasana On My Own... SOON!

via Instagram This was last week's attempt at salamba sirsasana (supported headstand)... I practiced again doing the king of yoga poses this morning. It's taking long but hopefully I get to do it properly (aligned) on my own.