
Showing posts from March, 2020

March 27, 2020 at 08:18PM

2020-03-27 Physical distancing. This photo of our complete family was taken last August 2019, way before the outbreak. At the moment, we could only pray for the protection of our healthworkers, frontliners and volunteers, the recovery of those infected, and the health of those on quarantine. via Tumblr

March 24, 2020 at 08:31PM

2020-03-24 To pass the time during the community quarantine period, one of the things we do is to watch kdrama. Lol. That is something unheard of for this family of 4 men and a lady. But I must admit it does keep the Covid19 paranoia and anxiety at bay. Even my sleep rhythm has been good the past days. From our 2019 trip, here’s a photo of me taking a sunset stroll at Nami Island with my imaginary Captain Ri #HyunBin. #forumsession#forumtraveller#pickotthedays via Tumblr

March 22, 2020 at 08:31PM

“I thought then that Papa was a heartless monster. I almost hated him for his cruelty. Then one night as Goding and I were sound asleep, I felt a hand tenderly brushing my hair. I did not move at all lest he notice me awake. He then kissed me and Goding on our foreheads and returned to his own bed. In the dead of that night a realization hit me: that Papa loved us after all and his ways of disciplining us were all meant to make us see our errors and correct our ways. As I grew older and looked back at the moments in my life, I realized that Papa did what was best for us boys. Had he spared the rod we might not have become the men we are today”. = As read aloud by my son, Jake (with #hyunbin hair left in the photo with his own Pa), from the memoirs of his great grandfather, my maternal Lolo Peping Sering. This was one of the things I requested him to do during the quarantine period. Cebu Community Quarantine: Day 7 (03-22) #reminiscences_of_govjosesering 4th of a series of ex...

March 19, 2020 at 08:20PM

2020-03-19 “This incident spread all over the barrio before noon as the lasses went home and recounted the incident to their parents. I tried this act one more time a few weeks later. To my discomfiture, some of the laundrywomen in the spring were married women and instead of fleeing from the scene, they stood up with their palo-palo (a small wooden paddle used for beating the clothes clean) and threatened to strike me with it. They chased me away and I narrowly escaped whacking.” = As read aloud by my son, Jake (leftmost in the photo with his elder brothers), from the memoirs of his great grandfather, my maternal Lolo Peping Sering. This was one of the things I requested him to do during the quarantine period. Cebu Community Quarantine: Day 4 (03-19) #reminiscences_of_govjosesering 3rd of a series of excerpts from the book “Reminiscences” via Tumblr

March 18, 2020 at 08:25PM

“Oya Mesiang was slightly dark-skinned. Apart from Mama Lilang, she was the nicest, sweetest, self-effacing and gentle woman I ever knew. She loved her grandchildren so much that she maintained a mini piggery, designating one pig to be slaughtered during each of our birthdays or when we came home during vacations. Her pigs were then named after us: Meding, Tonieng, Peping and Goding.” = Jake read aloud from the memoirs of his great grandfather, my maternal Lolo Peping Sering, before I let him enjoy his game on his laptop. This was one of the things I requested him to do during the quarantine period. Cebu Community Quarantine: Day 3 (03-18) #reminiscences_of_govjosesering 2nd of a series of excerpts from the book “Reminiscences” via Tumblr

March 17, 2020 at 11:55AM

“Another task I hated was washing clothes. One time I had to go to the spring with a batya (a big tin basin) full of dirty clothes. When I arrived, there were a lot of young maidens who had already occupied most of the rocks where laundering can be done, and there was no way I could accomplish my chore. This worried me, because I had to go back to the house before noon as I still had to cook the noonday meal. I then stood in the middle of the water and stripped naked. When the girls saw me, they screamed and ran away hurling invectives as they hid behind the bushes. Their flight gave me a chance to choose the best place where I could do my job until I was finished.” Jake read aloud from the memoirs of his great grandfather, my maternal Lolo Peping Sering, before I let him enjoy his gaming on his laptop. This was one of the things I requested him to do during the quarantine period. Cebu Community Quarantine: Day 2 (03-17) #reminiscences_of_govjosesering 1st of a series of ex...

March 14, 2020 at 09:09PM

2020-03-14 The sons and hubby, while trying to make the umbrella and bum bag fashionable at EWHA. With the pandemic going on and with plenty of time  to spare while on community quarantine, I found myself browsing through memories of our family travels and found this. Where your pleasure is, there is your treasure: where your treasure, there your heart; where your heart, there your happiness -Saint Augustine. via Tumblr

March 08, 2020 at 08:22PM

2020-03-08 Marking International Women’s day with a photo of my #hyunbins at Ewha Women’s University, Seoul. Another proof of my fixation with #CLOY via Tumblr

March 03, 2020 at 08:16PM

2020-03-03 After-effect of my #CLOY fixation… A photo with my very own Hyun Bins via Tumblr