Playtime is Almost Over

It's the first of June and we're now on the brink of summer vacation, right before school starts. And I just heard the collective groans of my sons, who are now glued to the digibox watching CSI, when they heard me say that. Heh, kids...

We have a long list of activities on the homefront lined up for the succeeding days and that doesn't even include school. A big move is happening and we may appear unflustered by it all but the undercurrent is such that I couldn't even begin to describe. To cut the story short, my parents are moving from Manila to Cebu. Now it's my turn to groan. Haha!

Just kidding on the "groan" part. This has been a long laid out plan we hatched since 2002 when my father underwent a quadruple bypass. They were hesitant to move and be under our care up until last year when Pa had to undergo yet another heart procedure, angioplasty.

Soooo... after a lot of talks and wavering in between, they are finally coming. More on this as the event unfolds.

For now, my boys and I are off to our second "happy" place to enjoy whatever little time remains before another happy chaos.

This coffeshop in the mall is where we hie off for Jake to play with other kids from his school :) while I sit and enjoy a cup of mocha.


  1. it's good that your parents are moving to be closer to you and the kids. more quality bonding time.

    classes here ends in June 28 and then our summer begins. :-)

  2. hey jo! the move will add another dimension to our schedules and you're right about having them closer, hopefully there will be more bonding time. :).

    it's almost vacation time for you and kids. yey!


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