Yuyuan Garden

This is a 400+ year old garden built about the same time the Philippines was discovered by Magellan!

A government officer of the Ming Dynasty named Pan Yunduan had this built and dedicated to his parents as a place for them to enjoy in their old age.

This huge garden (about 5 acres or 20,000 sqm) has koi ponds, lovely pavilions, winding footpaths and bridges. All these give a totally picturesque display that is characteristically Chinese-designed.

Yuyuan Garden

Yuyuan Garden

Yuyuan Garden

Tea House
taken on top of the tea house with the old rooftops and modern skyline in the horizon as background

Shanghai Postcard Shot
a typical Shanghai postcard pic :)

Click here for more about the Yuyuan Garden.


  1. Touring Shanghai was a great experience...must be nice to see Beijing also :D

  2. how about beijing this summer vacation? hehehe... if budget permits.

  3. wow! I've never been to Shanghai yet... but Beijing is simply beautiful too with the Great Wall and the World Park...

  4. hi jo! i agree. beijing is in our bucket list too. hehehe.... i'm sure the great wall is awesome. would love to see it with the kids. :)


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