Afternoon Sweets At Cafe Caw

After our xiao long bao and noodles lunch at Fung's, we walked to the new Cafe Caw next door.  Because I saw a post from hubby's niece, J, about this new place for desserts, coffee or tea, it was out of curiosity that we chose this over the more familiar Dessert Factory nearby.  

Maybe because they were still on soft-launch, I found their selection of food and drinks quite limited.  That didn't stop us though.  We got a red velvet cupcake for M and a cup of brownie ala mode for me.  Being fond of sweets, I liked how our orders tasted, even if I thought they were a smidgen sweeter for me.  

What I loved about the place, which I'm sure M would agree with, was the overall appeal of the quirky pastel colored tables, wooden chairs, long couches, loveseats and armchairs.  There were birdcage stickers,  framed mirrors and pendant lights too that were colorful.  We were amused at the fancy things we saw.  Even my teeny tiny ala mode spoon had a smiley face for its handle.  It was whimsical.  

They may not have the best tasting desserts in town, but the little details which made me coo are enough to make me go back.

Cafe Caw is located in the commercial area along Salinas Drive across JY Square.


  1. Lovely cafe that you went the decor

  2. Love those bird cages. so colorful. And the couch where your friend is sitting at is so dainty.

  3. Very cozy place.This is a nice place to spend some time.

  4. The decor are lovely and inviting. I should check this out next time I visit Cebu..:)

  5. Are those stickers? I thought they were real bird cages! I want those on my windows, too - super cute! :D

  6. i agree, this is a very cozy place to relax and unwind. and oh, that dessert looks so yum!

  7. it's very near our place (well, at least a 5 min jeepney ride). might as well check it out one of these days. i love the interiors.

  8. From your description, it looks like everything found in it was well thought of. I would enjoy myself in this place too and perhaps linger a bit longer to taste their menu.

  9. what jeepney to take from colon going to cafe caw?


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