Theotokos Diocesan Shrine, Carcar

taken during Maundy Thursday

Its official website writes: "Most people first heard of Perrlos, Carcar in 1992. Between the months of September and February of 1993, it was reported by media that many people claimed to have seen the sun moved (sic) around (or “danced” (sic) as they called it) at sunrise. This phenomenon which lasted about 15 minutes was witnessed by many people who came to the hills of Perrelos to attend the dawn Mass every 13th of the month. The Mass is the culmination of a night-long vigil with confessions that brought together Marian devotees and dawn rosary participants from far and near.

Believers, non-believers and skeptics continue to visit Perrelos to this day. The last reported sighting of the sun
phenomenon was in February of 1993.

Over the years, the pilgrims continued to come in droves and in trickles. They visit not solely because they have heard of the ‘dancing sun’ that supposedly happened years ago but it is the story of many conversions that seem to bring people to the place."


  1. Is this Carcar in Cebu? I'd love to explore the place one day because it's the place of my paternal grandfather. :) Lovely info!

    1. yes meikah. this is in carcar cebu :)

  2. Wow this is nice! I hope to visit this one in the future

  3. Beautiful! I love your sharing and the group picture shows how happy everyone was on this trip. :-)

  4. I have heard about the "dancing" sun but I didn't know where it was seen. So it's in Cebu pala. :-)


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