Guyam Island

After attending a town fiesta in Siargao where we had lunch, we went island hopping. Following are pictures and commentaries:

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The boys eagerly wait for the rest of our group to board

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Here is part of the group fronting our cousin's place while making our way to the boat. My Pa is the one with the red towel. For some reason I was scared of treading on the boardwalk... visions of me tripping and falling off into the deep kept flashing through my mind (*shudder*). Look at how I was clutching Jerry's shoulder to his amusement. Ha-ha!

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This is where we were headed - Guyam Island. It is an uninhabited tropical island with pristine white sandy beach surrounding some coconut trees. It is about 5-10 minutes away from Gen. Luna depending on the boat speed.

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I love seeing nice beaches, but I am not too fond of riding a (small) boat to get there. What a worrywart I'm turning into. Tsk!

Despite the fretting (lol), I wouldn't exchange the beautiful scenery and being with my favorite boys, and spending time with other loved ones, for anything.

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With my son, brother and nephew here

Next stop: Dako Island
Photo credits: Junnie, Mitzi, Matt and Pa(parazzi)


  1. I imagine there is no water source is the island but it is hard to beat its beach sand and abundant trees. Is that a private or public island?

  2. hi bertn! the island is within a barangay. if i remember right, it is powered by a small generator. as to water supply, i'm not too sure.

  3. my bad... i was referring to dako island in my previous comment. guyam is uninhabited and i believe there is no water source. yes it is a private island based on what i heard :) owner doesn't want to sell daw.


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