March 12, 2019 at 08:28PM

Les Buissonnets. The house of the family of saints.
The Martin family: St. Therese, and her parents St. Louis and St. Zelie lived here.

When we planned this trip, Lisieux was a far stretch, because of the limited free days we had outside of the bus tours we booked. However, the Filipino tour operator’s offer was hard to refuse. I thought “Dear me, this is not part of our budget”. I was back and forth. “Perhaps we could squeeze this and juggle items here and there”. LOL. Shortly, Jerry and I said we’ll do it.

After all, with the second son about to land his first job, when do we (all 5 of us) get the chance to travel this way again together, right? That’s me trying to justify.

Added to our original itinerary were: Giverny, Mont Saint-Michel and Lisieux. So off we went very eager to see places for the first time. via Tumblr


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