February 08, 2019 at 07:28AM

020819 Here for a few days and reunited with our middle son who is based in Manila. Kyle is on his 6th month on the job and he happily regaled us about how he likes what he does. He said he is able to save up a portion of his wages too. My overly protective heart wells up with joy to things like this. Given the choice, I would have wanted all three sons to be based in Cebu, but my helicopter parenting already ceased after high school, for the elder ones at least. Despite the anxiety of being away from them, it was a wise decision to send sons 1 and 2 to Manila for their whole university life. Both managed to prove that they could be let out of the coop. Thank heavens, they are now better prepared for the rigors of living independently. http://bit.ly/2MSIhZn via Tumblr http://bit.ly/2TBo4K5
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