
It's not often that we get our free days synchronized. An hour or two wherein we have lunch or coffee or we just meet up after dinner is quite common for us, but a whole day is rare. Today is not even one of those rare times as one of us had to close shop for a day while the other had to delay a previous beach reservation just to be with the group. Bless your hearts Michele and Tatah for squeezing this outing into your busy schedules!

After a memorable tour of Aloguinsan last November, we decided to make short trips to different places in Cebu together and with our respective families. Today, our destination of choice was a private beach in Buyong, Mactan, owned by good friends. Fortunately for us the place was not yet booked when we inquired.

The planning was quick via FB messenger while M was in faraway Vancouver! Thank God for technology!

To make the story short, here is a short clip of selected photos we took in between the exchange of stories, the laughter, the munching of chips and nuts, the cooking by the hubbies, the feasting (of Mama Gie's kilayin, Edgar's spaghetti, Forden and Jerry's grilled pork/fish/squid, rice and fruits), and plain lazing around enjoying the sea breeze.

Location: Climaco Beach in Buyong Mactan
Facebook and contact details: Climaco Beach


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