French Influence at the Old Port of Montreal

 Bits of fact about Montreal (complete list here)

* Montreal was incorporated as a city in 1832.
* Montreal is the second largest city in Canada. It was the largest city until sometime in the 70′s when Toronto took over the title.
* Montreal is one of the five largest French speaking cities in the world. Paris is first.
* Montreal has the highest number of restaurants per capita in Canada and the second highest in North America after New York City.
* The Underground City – a series of interconnected tunnels beneath Montreal runs for over 32 kms (20 mi). In the winter over 500,000 people use the tunnels on a daily basis. The tunnels connect shopping malls, museums, universities, hotels, banks, offices and seven metro
* Montreal is home to the world famous Cirque du Soleil.

Some photos taken during our walking tour of the port of Montreal...

walking around the old port of Montreal




Les chuchoteuses (the Gossipers)
Made in bronze by artist Rose-Aimée Bélanger and found on Rue Saint-Paul in Old Montreal



Montreal moments


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