Prints on the cheap

Except for what we intended to buy, I didn't want to shop for anything else when we went to check out some upholstery for our little project/renovation.  But when I passed by the linens section, I caught sight of some printed pillow covers.  We didn't really have a need for new covers since the old ones still look okay, but the price sealed the deal for me.  At P50 a piece, the "no-shopping" resolve just crumbled. :P


  1. cute pillow covers prints! I love them!

  2. Good buy nga and they look pretty :) We are planning to replace our living room set but still contemplating pa. hehe

  3. Sooo in love with the pillow cover designs. Ms. Linnor! And I love your christmas tree, too. Hope we could decorate our own, too. :-)


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