Posing with my brother after hurdling Accountancy at DLSU, April 1989
While most of my friends and classmates at De La Salle Zobel wound up taking Medicine or Engineering in college, I was one of the few who took up Accountancy, because that was what my Ma suggested. Being a CPA herself, she enticed me by saying I could land a job easily if I were to become one too. So I did pursue Accountancy, even if I thought I was more interested in the Arts or Architecture. I guess I belonged to that part of my generation who thought that parents knew best and I just went with the flow.
I realized that once I decided on something, I must put my heart to it. I said yes to this so there really was no room for blame game as what some people do when things take a different turn. So I studied well and took it seriously. Fortunately for me, even if I was only mildly interested in my course at the start, I got through it and even went on to pass the board exam. Of course not without sleepless nights and burning of midnight oil, so to speak.
It was not my first choice for a career. I was merely following the suggestion of Ma for practical reasons. There were challenges along the way, but after all is said and done, the one thing that had me going was the thought that if it's worth doing then it is worth doing well.
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