My DIY Gift Tags

Also printed on the tags are the names of the recipients. Kinda gives that "I thought of you enough to print your name on the tag" impression, doesn't it?

Note that I am sticking with the "snowflake" design. That's quite off considering that it never snows in the Philippines, probably never will. And I've only seen actual snow like once on a trip in 2006. Hihi...

How are your holiday preparations so far?


  1. This is such a cute gift tags and so perfect for Christmas.:)

  2. Wow, personalized gift tags is such a thoughtful idea! And I like your DIY eco-friendly gift wraps, too. :-)

  3. I like personalized tags also, I usually do them din.. kaso wala na ako printer sa bahay humihirit na lang minsan sa office hehe

  4. IS that gift tag downloaded? Hmm, I want the same design sana. Where can I find one? Thanks :)

    1. yes tet! that was downladed. i just searched for christmas tag maker. i'll send you the link...

    2. yey.. thanks :)
      thank you thank you :D


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