Remembering last week...

This was my FB status minutes after it happened last October 15, 2013, at 8:12 on a Tuesday morning...

the earthquake we had around 8am local time was the strongest one our family felt... it was just like in the movies. fallen picture frames, glassware etc... cabinet doors and drawers flung open... the contents strewn on the floor. we heard creaking concrete as hubby, 9yo son and i leapt out of bed on the second floor, sped down the stairs and out the door... to say that we were scared was an understatement. we thought it was the end. however, this didn't shake our faith. the 7.2 magnitude was no match for the gratitude we now feel. we were shaken but are safe. thank GOD it didn't happen while people were asleep. thank GOD that it happened on a holiday when kids are home with their families. and thank you all for your continued prayers.


  1. Nice to hear that you and your family are safe.
    Nagulat ako sa balita na to last week. Monday, I was able to see Santi's aftermath in Tarlac then the following day, earthquake hit Visayas.

  2. We continue to pray for recovery, Lin. There's still a lot of work to be done.

  3. I've seen lot of YouTube videos shared about the incident, It is so scary and I can't imagine myself being in your situation. Glad your family is safe. Pouring my all my prayers to all my family back home and kababayans.

  4. oh, this gave me goosebumps! I am really glad that you're all safe. nakakatakot talaga ang earthquake. whenever i watch the news and they show yung mga damages, it brings me back during the time when Pangasinan was hit by an intensity 7 earthquake din. i was your youngest son's age din during that time pero hanggang ngayon, i can still vividly remember the terror. take care always and i hope and pray that there will be no more aftershocks.

  5. Thank God and your whole family is safe. Keep the faith

  6. God is really good fro keeping more people safe kasi it was a holiday, otherwise baka mas marami pa casualties. Whenever I watch and hear earthquakes stories, the 1990 earthquake memories always coming back in my mind. I was just 9 years old that time and experiencing such while at our classroom was the most terrible moment I had. Mas nakakatakot ang mga aftershocks and the super heavy rain that night. Parang ayaw mo na matulog kasi nagfflashback un nangyari, paulit ulit until di ko namalayan na I fell asleep na pala.


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