Luneta in the late 1960s

That's me in Pa's arms, squinting against the glare of the sun. Next to Pa is Ma, then pregnant with my younger brother.  

I find it awesome looking at old photos and seeing people in the 1960s all dressed up in their fashionable, well-tailored, nicely pressed clothes, and in leather shoes or ladies sandals. Everyone looked very well put together here even if it was just for an afternoon stroll at the park to catch some rays and fresh sea breeze at the Luneta of yesteryears.


  1. wow! that is so awesome. the first time I've been to Manila was early 1980's. thank you for sharing your valuable memorabilia..

  2. I agree about the dress code back then...people seem to be more formal and respectable in the way they carry themselves. People of modern times, well some are more loose in the choices of clothes...

  3. So different from now, that either they're just wearing shorts, flipflops and not really dressed up. Love the photo. A real throwback.

  4. This is some throwback! Very nice. Although I think the fashion before is the same fashion we are having now, it is true that people on the later days are well dressed than now.

  5. Yep! I've seen some pictures of my parents with the same fashion sense. And they look so gorgeous.. :)

  6. I love looking at old photos too and I love the way they dressed up (and the hair ha). I used to go to my grandma to the palengke whenever I spend my vacays at San Fernando La Union and I had to wait for her for hours. She takes an hour taking a bath (and she had a kimono bathrobe too) and then she will set her hair and then dress up. She had dresses for going to the market, for going to church, etc.


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