I Did It!


It didn't happen as fast as I wanted it to even if I was taught the (headstand) pose the first few days of my yoga practice last year in October. As in most things, it took me a while and a lot of practice. K, our Ashtanga instructress, has always been encouraging in all of the sessions I attended with her. J, the lead yoga instructress, once said that with constant practice, it will just happen.

I have made many attempts with help from my son, my hubby or the wall.  I finally dared to do it without the security of the wall behind me... just the watchful eye of hubby and his ready helping hand to straighten me when I start to lean more on my right. So 11 months after my first, though only for a few breaths long, it actually happened.  I proudly held my own.


  1. Wow! You are amazing! You did this on your own? what a great sense of balance!

    1. thanks glenda! i was unsupported for a few seconds only :) i couldn't hold longer than that yet...

  2. Galing Linnor! I can't even do the crane. :(

    1. thanks! i can't do the crane too. hehe...

  3. Galing! I have always attempted to do that but I can't even manage a half haha

  4. amazing! and you did it with your constant practice! when i was younger my cousins and i did this too with the assistance of a wall. i never tried it kasi i was afraid of falling but i helped hold their legs.


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