Before The Third Son Came Along

This was taken sometime between 1996 and 1999.  That is Matt on the left, and Kyle on the right.  Our youngest child, Jake, was born in 2004.  When Jake was younger, probably during his preschool years, he would wonder and ask why he wasn't in the picture/s.  And during one of those times, he finally came up with his own explanation.  

According to him, this photo (as well as others taken before he was born) was taken during the time he was "still dead". LOL


  1. I remember that from your old blog. Funny then and still funny now. :) This is the cutest pic!

  2. aww, that's a super cute photo of your kids. and when i thought his own explanation was not something out of this world, you know, kids, i was so amused when i read the end of your post, hahaha! kids! :-)

  3. They're adorable! Love their chubby arms!

  4. That is funny :) We really do laugh at how our kids describe some things or situation.

  5. AWww... they are so cute and handsome ha. I wish to have a boy... but not now.

  6. I wonder where he got that idea hehehe...those two boys are so cute complete with the chubby cheeks. :-)

  7. Kids say the darndest things! Haha! My sister naman, whenever we talk about the time before she was born, she says she was still "hangin" that time. :D

  8. Your kids are so cute! And had grown up handsomely..

  9. these kids grew up to be such handsome young men. and LOL at your youngest son's explanation why he wasn't in the photos. hehe. kids and their honesty. :)


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