Smile! :)

I guess I just grew weary of seeing facebook or online photos of women or girls distorting or contorting their faces and thinking this is better than giving their best smile for the camera.

No offense...


  1. Have a very big smile on my face right now. :D It helps that I have two adorable kids who always put a smile on my face.

    1. hihi... that's good olga :) i have 3 here myself and a joker for a husband.

  2. hehehe.. I do funny faces sometimes but I still prefer giving my best smile in front of the camera! :)

    1. hehe... i guess it's not so bad once in a while. sometimes lang my newsfeed gets flooded by the same contorted face in different angles by just one person. it's prevalent in teens.

  3. It really annoying sometimes. I once threaten a good friend that I would unfriend her if I continue to see such poses from her on my thread.haha She hides it from me


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