All His Favorites

Before dinner, hubby and I were going back and forth on where to have it since we were already in the mall. When the son suggested Japanese, we sort of told him Japanese is reserved for when his elder brothers are home on college break. Japanese is for special occasions whereas Chinese or native/Filipino is for our regular weekend fare. Haha...

For some reason, we decided to have Japanese and ordered his favorites, ebi tempura and fried gyoza. While eating his food with so much gusto, 9yo son exclaimed: "Wow! Thanks Ma / Pa! This is so much better than spending for a toy!".

Judging from the dried out sauces and the cleaned out plates which he finally let go of, part of me thought he really must have been famished to be able to say that. I thought toys trumped all other things, including his fave food. But truth be told, my heart was filled with joy at his genuine expression of gratitude for a simple treat. Some people could learn a thing or two here.


Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.
Marcus Tullius Cicero


  1. just looking at the photo makes me hungry! :) hehe they look delicious.

  2. sweet kid!
    the camaron rebosado looks very crunchy and yummmeh...

  3. We also have the same notion of eating Japanese dishes for special occasion kasi I think it's more expensive than the usual Filipino or Chinese cuisine. It must have been heartwarming to hear Jake uttering a sincere "thank you" :)

    Enjoy your week!

    1. that was the high note of the day! hehe


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