"...if you have the right person with you, there are all these little worlds that you would never guess..."


Ahh... to rest our tired feet...

Taken while we were finding our way around Beacon Hill, Boston after walking seemingly endlessly while searching for the bronze ducks at the Boston Public Gardens...

The title of this post was partly quoted from Greta Gerwig.

cute but not yet quite what we were looking for

here they are!

"If you're walking with the young or young at heart, take a gander at the bronze ducks in the northwest section of the park that commemorate Robert McCloskey's 1941 children's classic Make Way for Ducklings—they're named Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack, Nack, Ouack, Pack, and Quack."


  1. I love the title... I can expound on it on and on but it is certainly a blessing to be with someone from above :)
    BTW, would you like us to be each others' follower?

  2. hi farida! thanks! :) i followed you as sabbatical gal btw.


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