Keep Calm And Do Yoga

I have only gotten back to yoga after a 2-week trip.  And my body was really needing it... literally craving it and its benefits... the stretches, the calming breaths, the awakening of sedentary body parts, the circulation of blood through inversions... Yoga is very therapeutic for me.  

The vinyasa session this morning with Pascale which my middle son, my cousin and I attended was good (as always, with Pascale's routines).  We lost a pound of sweat (and hopefully the toxins too).  One pound, no kidding!   We usually make it a point to weigh ourselves before and after a session.

The best part is, I was able to do the headstand again... with a little help from my son, and the confidence knowing that the wall was just behind me. :)  Namaste.


  1. galing naman ng headstand.

  2. would love to practice yoga again, but it's just so expensive here.

  3. Great shot! And I'm sure the routine will benefit you healthwise especially after all the food from your trip :)

    1. thanks! i have a lot to burn after thevtrip. hihi...

  4. My mouth is gaping as I write! What can I say? Ang galing! I couldn't do that...can't even do the shoulder stand anymore eh lol!

  5. Headstand as in not leaning? That's great!

    1. my toes initially "touched" the wall but i slightly let go to balance on my own :)

  6. Great! not everyone can do that including me..great job:)

  7. Whao a headstand.
    I don't think that I can do that at all!!

  8. i want to do yoga too.. nice headstand! XD


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