Mass To Start Our Sunday

St. Patrick Church, Mission St., SFO

We just heard mass at St. Patrick Catholic Church along Mission St., San Francisco. This church dates back in 1850s. It's good to see the church almost full with people and a lot of Filipinos actively participating as lay ministers.

St. Patrick Church, Mission St., SFO
outside the church


  1. very nice church and sure looks full! glad to know that there are lots of Filipinos participating as lay ministers. :-)

  2. Filipinos are natural church goers, when you see a catholic church, expect a Filipino to be involve in their activities.

  3. Beautiful! Enjoy your US sojourn! :D

  4. That is such a very nice church! :) And yes to starting Sundays with mass with the family!

  5. Filipinos are blessed because of our great devotion.

  6. I like the architectural design of the church. Well like what Ron mentioned Filipinos are church goers.

  7. yup, it is expected kung saan may church may Pinoy dun. i can just imagine how beautiful the church is. :)


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