Happy For The Free Upgrade

The lady at the front desk of Grand Hyatt San Francisco upgraded our room and gave us one that directly has the view of Union Square. Nice touch especially after a long trans-Pacific flight for these tired but excited guests. :)

Grand Hyatt Hotel at Stockton St., San Francisco
happy campers

View from the hotel room at night
our view at night

View from the hotel room at daytime
a haven for shopaholics


  1. wow! that is something that travelers would like to have, a free room upgrade, :-)

  2. Wow! Lucky you! Enjoy your stay there. :)

  3. nice view! =) enjoy your vacay!

  4. Wow! That is great :) Unexpected bonus :) enjoy your vacation.

    Btw, I would like to invite your to partner with me on this year's back to school project for the children here in Panglao, Bohol :)

  5. family vacay or work? hehe.. i love SF! next to seattle i call that my home=)



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