A Little Tweak On My Alignment

Since our kids started their school break, I have been quite lax about keeping fit. Lately, right after lunch, my afternoon activities include sitting on the couch tinkering with my ipad while my grader watches an hour or two of his favorite cartoon shows. "Bonding" moment is really a lame excuse for this sedentary (non)activity. And it even turns from bad to worse when we start raiding the pantry and the ref for munchies and junk food. Ayayay!

A few days back, I weighed myself prior to attending my usual yoga class. The scale tipped at four pounds over my last weight. No surprise there after the junk food binge eating and hours of sitting, right? Still, my jaw dropped south when I saw the effect of backsliding. 2 kilos heavier!?! This could not go on. Time to get a grip on myself.

So... I began cutting my portions like I used to and went as far as checking out Emeals's weekly menu plan for food ideas to break the usual fare. I bought a yoga app too so I could do my practice at home when I don't feel like dressing up and driving to the studio. Little steps to get me back on track and keep the weight from creeping back again.

I can do this.


  1. Haven't been doing yoga in years. Sana I can get back.

  2. I want to lose weight too so I started doing Zumba.

  3. I have been slacking a whole lot too since school was off. And I have to attend pa naman a wedding in a month! (I haven't weighed myself lately because I would just hate myself hehe)

  4. I want to shed not just extra pounds but lots of pounds. hehehe. Maybe, I will consider zumba.


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