Thank You For Making Us Proud!

Our second son, Kyle, together with 316 boys and girls, graduated from high school* last Saturday.

This boy, with the tendency to procrastinate and who seldom approached me for any help (yeah right, like i could help in chem, physics, trigo or algebra :P), except to borrow my laptop, managed to snag 3 medals***. It was almost unbelievable. Haha! Unbelievable only because he didn't allow me to pry into his academic affairs and if not for the report card grades, I was sort of clueless.

Sure, he would tell me things about extracurricular activities. But with regard to homework, he would just answer my questions in monosyllables. Hmm... No... Yes... Done... These were pretty much what I remember him saying.

So last Saturday, although we knew in advance he was getting medals, donning them on him was pretty surreal. He probably didn't need my constant nagging after all. He has his medals to prove that he was in charge.

Well done, Kyle! On to college!

*Sacred Heart School-Ateneo de Cebu
Bronze medal for Academic Excellence
Bronze medal for being an Outstanding Cadet
Loyalty medal

the graduates, 317 in all, in their Dino Lloren designed toga

our family (minus our youngest who was indisposed) with Fr. Manny, the school president

posing with his cousin, 2nd honorable mention :)

side-effect of medals?

here with my ma, godmother and in-laws

post-graduation dinner with my parents, my godfather and my entire brood

"Hmm... Yes... Done..."

The rest of the pics here >>> Graduation Album


  1. Congratulations to Kyle! what great achievement:) Do you mind follow each other? Let me know:)

  2. Congratulations to your son. You must be a super proud mom. Way to go =)

    Mommy Maye

  3. Congratulations and good luck to the next level. You are really a proud mom.

  4. Congratulations to Kyle, but mostly congrats to you for raising up an achiever, who's in charged.

  5. wow, congratulations to your son, and of course to the parents as well :-)

  6. congrats to kyle!
    you are a super-super proud mom

  7. wow! that's a very responsible son you got there! :-) congrats not only for the medals but for raising a really good son! :-)

  8. Congrats Kyle and to the proud parents!

  9. Congrats.. Goodluck on college. Wish him the best :)

  10. Wow, congratulations to your son! But mostly, congratulations to you and your husband for raising such a responsible and smart son. Goodluck on your next journey to college! :-)

  11. congrats kyle, my eldest also graduated last week

  12. COngrads to your Graduant. Good luck on getting into the collage of his choice.

  13. You must be the proudest mama now! Graduating with flying colors sure feels great. Good luck to his next phase in life :)

  14. Congratulations! :) What a lovely family. :)

  15. Congratulations to your son and to the proud parents! :)

  16. thank you all! it was a wonderful blessing and we are looking forward to the next milestone :)

  17. Congratulations to your son, Kyle. Glad to read that your son is quite independent when it comes to his studies, more free time for you, I guess.

  18. congrats! lovely photos you got there.. katuwa yung boys mo. hihihi :)

  19. Congratulations! What will he be majoring college? Has he picked his school?

    1. kat, he is going to dlsu for idustrial management engineering :)


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