Channeling Barney

While lazing at home
A pop of purple
Among monochrome

(Pardon the lame attempt at writing rhymes. Lol)

Not really a fave color but my closet seems to have quite a number of purples / violets...


We are on the first week of almost three months of school break. It's quite a long free time for my soon-to-be 3rd grader. I dread the thought of him whiling away his time by playing with the laptop, tablet or cellphone. Hello sedentary lifestyle! So far, we have managed to think of activities to fill our long days.

A few days ago, he was told to take an afternoon nap to make up for lost sleep during the days he was reviewing for their final tests. He did, but not too willingly (haha! kids!), because he wanted to spend it playing instead. The other time, we did origami and spent the afternoon cutting and folding used paper to make a crown, sunglasses and a 4-point star which he called a ninja star. Lol. His tattered bear is now the beneficiary of the origami figures.

In between activities, he would be allowed to watch tv. Or he could play the ipad for a limited time as long as he also reads the storybooks I downloaded for him. Like I said, so far so good. I just have to not let him have his way with the gadgets. There are some other things he could do.

Fortunately, he is also fond of tinkering with his Lego blocks, reading his Wimpy Kid books and running around pretend-playing he is some cowboy, soldier or superhero. The longer he does it, zipping in and out of the rooms, up and down the stairs and bouncing on beds, the better for me.

Right this very minute, he's watching Amazing World of Gumball on Cartoon Network while alternately pretend-playing he's a ninja. And I'm blogging, bloghopping, trying out virtual stock market at, checking my emails and updating my social network sites. Lol.

We're both good. :)


  1. Love your sofa and the frames behind you. Most especially, love how happy you look on this shot too.

  2. Aw I love your sofa. Sarap siguro umupo diyan while crocheting =)

    Mommy Maye

  3. Your sofa looks so comfortable! and I Love the color too:)

  4. I wish I knew how to do origami, that would keep my 2 kids really occupied. I'm planning for them arts galore by coloring and punching their way thru lots of paper and old books.

  5. such cozy place you have there! nice! love it! ♥ btw, hurray for vacation! you get to spend more time with your son. ♥

  6. You really look so relaxed... but times have changed so much since my 16 year old graduate was a third grader! Laptops, cellphones and iPads were unheard of then... in fact, I was still wondering if it was right to buy him a Gameboy or a Playstation at all, when his cousins already had theirs! Finally, he eventually had a Playstation 2 when my husband came from the States. I used to tell him, don't worry even if you don't have these gadgets, because you are given the chance to go around and meet people anyway, while your cousins only stay at home! Of course now, he has a whole range of gadgets...

  7. i agree. kids should have limited time when using gadgets. love the coziness of your place hehehe

  8. I miss school breaks. I wish employees have 2 months off too.

  9. You look good in purple, Linnor! And I love your couch, too! :-)

  10. It's good you try not to let your 3rd grader watch too much tv or play too much with computers. Dapat talaga sleep like me! that's why Im 5'11 hehehe=)

  11. I tell people I like green better than purple, but practically every piece of clothing I have is in shades of purple haha. Oh, my kids hate sleep too especially in the afternoon.

  12. Your place looks very nice! Yes, my 5-year-old doesn't like naps too. She's always resisting it, I don't know why, it feels so good to sleep, if only I don't have so much to do.

  13. Well it's good that your both doing many things. Kids should have nappies, specially this summer vacation because they'll be having plenty of play time.


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