Is All That Matters



Of the three schools son #2 applied at for college, De La Salle University's results came out first. It felt like I've just won the grand prize or something when I saw his name online. Kyle is going to college! Haha!

I've been refreshing my browser several times the past few days like a rabid senior just to view DLSU's website. Why the anxiety? To be honest, I was apprehensive. I felt his preparation wasn't enough, so in my mind, I was gearing for plans b, c, or d... Shhh...

He is smart (a consistent academic medalist), but he can be very complacent about anything that I tend to nag him to get things done. Yes, I nag, sometimes a little too much that I worry he might resent me for it. Anyway... This sort of gives a visual why, to me, admission at DLSU is such a big deal. Praise God!

Though we are still waiting for the results from UP and Ateneo de Manila, I say the wait is done and over with. I have nothing against these 2 great schools (hubby is a product of UP), but Kyle prefers to go to DLSU, the same uni as his elder brother's, which happens to be my alma mater too.



  1. following the footsteps of daddy and tito junnie. great school. great course too! congratulations!

  2. thanks! praying he'll do very well like his pa and tito junnie

  3. wow! congrats!

  4. thank you shery! GOD is good!


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