Christmas Dawn Masses

the tiny nativity set displayed by Ma on our altar

Despite getting home late last night after attending a birthday and bienvenida dinner, the family managed to get up early this morning to attend the first of nine dawn masses. Most of the churches in Cebu (or probably in the whole Philippines) have 4am or 430am masses but the one we attended was at 5am at the Waterfront Hotel.

On our way home, we noticed a lot of people walking. Some were bringing stools they most likely used during the mass because the churches could get really crowded. And the roads were unusually busy today at 6am on a Sunday morning!

At home, our extended family shared sweet ham and "mangga at suman" (mango and sticky rice) for breakfast. Christmas music by the Gunter Kallmann choir played softly in the background while family members chatted and enjoyed the meal... a simple and heartwarming touch to complete our 1st day (of 9 mornings) Christmas tradition.

Now time to crawl back to bed. :)


  1. Hi, I just bumped into your post, would you happen to know if Waterfront would have a christmas mass on the 24th?


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