Birthdays and a Christening

A good friend and a niece celebrated their birthdays last Friday and Saturday. On Sunday, a cousin's youngest daughter was baptized. So this was a weekend made for foodies like us, hopping from one eating place to the next.

Friday was dinner at Little Saigon, Big Bangkok near the Barangay Hall of Guadalupe. It was our first time, but we've heard early on that food was good. True enough, we tasted the goodness ourselves. I would have wanted to take food shots but refrained from doing so as we were just guests. Sayang, I should have, inconspicuously, no? Next time.

spicy mieng kam, photo from their website

That same Friday evening, I was also invited to Grand Con for Islacom's (a former employer) reunion. Food would have been sumptuous Chinese. More than the food, it would have been great to see former colleagues from the mid-90s, but I had to beg off due to the conflict in schedules. Anyway...

Last Saturday was dinner catered by Creative Cuisine at Gymboree, BTC for a niece's 2nd birthday. It was a children's party fare and no matter how we limited ourselves from having a full meal, we couldn't help it! Why would we even think of cutting our portions? Because we were invited by my sister-in-law to dinner at the City Sports Club right after, that's why! :)

Jake with cousins at Gymboree

Food was good at the City Sports Club. I particularly liked the beef with hoisin sauce AND the dessert we ordered outside of the buffet spread. We had checkered choco mousse, which Jake mistakenly read as "mouse"! I heard their F&B department is trying to improve their menu some more and that is definitely good to know.

checkered choco "mouse" :D

So far, no signs of letting up with the "binge" eating... Sunday was buffet at the Cebu Country Club to celebrate the baptism of a cousin's youngest daughter. And because this was a big occasion, the spread had a wider variety as well. I gravitated towards the roasted calf (oh no, but yum!) and the mango float for dessert. No pictures, so you will have to take my word when I say it was good.

Instead of food, I do have paparazzi shots of family in various states of happy chattering while sipping freshly brewed cups of coffee (see below)... Hmm, I wonder what the next weekend would be like...




yup, they got their square jaw from me


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