Sydney Food Fare

Because Jerry was in a convention, from 930am-530pm for 3 days (Tue-Thu), we had very limited time to venture out to try some Aussie fare as much as we wanted to. This didn't stop us though from checking out recommendations made by friends and relatives back home.

Following are pictures showcasing what we were able to sample and... what most likely contributed to the poundage we gained. :P

--- Hurricane's Grill Steakhouse as suggested by DM ---

The place was packed that time we shared for lunch, a half rack of beef ribs and char-grilled chicken and honey soaked walnuts salad with honey vinaigrette dressing. Food was good and the view of the harbour from where we were sitting was even better!

__01 hurricance

--- Din Tai Fung ---

After cocktails at the Sydney Opera House, we went back to our hotel and walked along the Darling Harbour to see what was at the Star City (other than the casino). Surprise! It's Din Tai Fung Dumplings Bar at their chic food court where Jerry had his first Chinese food in Oz. There is truth to their claim that they are everybody's favourite dumpling house. Hello xiao long bao!

__03 din tai fung

--- Sydney Fish Market on MI's recommendation ---

One day at lunch, Jerry and I walked from Ibis Hotel to the Fish Market. We weren't sure if we had the right direction and didn't want to waste time looking or getting lost so we asked a lady the way to it. We were on the right track and she confidently said, "You won't miss it. You will smell it!". LOL

True enough, our noses got assaulted with the fish smell. Hehe... Jerry was in suit but we didn't mind and proceeded to the market in our fresh smelling clothes. We were delighted to see a lot of Asians inside who, like us, were there to have the freshest seafood to eat.

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Asians ordering their seafood lunch

The seafood combo we ate with gusto (salmon, shrimps, oysters, scallops, baby squid) was divine!

__06 fish market

And the 10-minute walk back to Darling Harbour helped get rid of the fishy smell that stuck to our clothes. :D Two thumbs up. This, by far, was indeed the best fish market lunch experience we ever had!

__07 fish market

--- Lindt ---

The day I met with Del, my good friend and former colleague, I was treated to chocolate heaven! Hot mocha and a sampler of melt-in-your-mouth sweets at the Lindt Chocolate Café at Cockle Bay Wharf, right across Ibis - OMGoodness!

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__09 lindt

__08 lindt

Thank you so much dearie!!! I definitely enjoyed your company and your treat. LOL!

--- Golden Harbour ---

As if we were not full from the choco goodness at Lindt. We walked from the harbour (in the cold!) all the way to Chinatown for dinner. :) The dining experience was made even more enjoyable when the food attendant spoke to us in Tagalog. He is Chinese who stayed in Manila in the 70s, thus the familiarity with the language.

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--- Pancake on the Rocks as suggested by DV ---

We thought we would never find it until I got stuck inside the mall while waiting for Jerry. A friend recommended the place so we just had to try. After lunch, we had to have "thE ultimatE" which they describe as "Crepes filled with cream cheese and sultanas, served with raspberry coulis and vanilla ice cream......... Pancakes’ answer to mum’s cheesecake!"

__10 pancake

--- Sushi Hotaru ---

Being fond of sushi, this place with a revolving counter or sushi train, is my personal favorite. And we discovered it by accident while strolling the Galleries Victoria.

The place has iPad touch screens for ordering in the booths and boasts of an extensive range of dishes. All plates except sashimi are $3 at all times. For Japanese food, I say this is a steal! So between us, we had a total of 10 plates of a combination of wagyu rolls (YUMMY!), salmon rolls, gyoza and tamago.

__11 hotaru

Okay, just writing, reading and re-reading this post now make me hungry... Oh, the calories! A little voice inside me is telling me detox or "cleanse your body". Maybe I should revisit that CleanProgram I came across recently. Ta!


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