Shopping and Xiao Long Bao

I realized you can't rely on web pics if you're looking for a hotel accommodation. I should have checked out alternative sites that offered vacation rentals or Airbnb. Though it didn't detract from having a memorable adventure, it was a lesson learned. If there's anything positive about the hotel we were staying at (looking at our proverbial glass half full), it is its proximity to the shopping area. Day 3 was reserved for a little bit of shopping and xiao long bao.

After a relaxed breakfast at Cafe de Coral, which was a few steps away from our hotel, we walked to Harbour City. We spent most of the afternoon there doing our thing. The boys were on a hunt for a nice pair of shoes. Jake and I were at Starbucks where he spent the time playing with Lego while I checked out the nearby displays for novelty and gift items.

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With my eldest son...

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No success for the boys at Harbour City so we went to Causeway Bay to try their luck there. :) And to fuel another round of walking, we had dinner at Crystal Jade... XLB!

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_day3 crystal jade

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The hunt...

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They found what they were looking for...

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Ready to call it a day...


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