Pansukian Island

It was formerly called Pansukian Island. Now it is more commonly referred to as "Naked Island" by the locals and visitors. Wikipedia describes Pansukian as: "Off to the right, well within the massive coastal reef, lies a shining white sand bar, (Pansukian, or Naked island) some 200 meters long. The tide of Siargao is diurnal with tidal curves typically present, especially on the east coast of the island.

The Island's Pacific-facing reefs are situated on the edge of the Philippine Trench, and the extremely deep offshore waters assure the ocean swells have undiluted power when they encounter the many coral and rock reefs."

Getting to Pansukian by boat from General Luna, Siargao takes about 15 minutes. From Dako Island, which is nearer to the former, it took us shorter than that. It was our last stop for the day to complete our island hopping trip. And because we wanted to get back to General Luna before sunset, we wasted no time. After the short play and swim session, we took photos like the day wouldn't be complete without it.

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Approaching Pansukian Island / Naked Island

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The hardworking bangkero...

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Guyam appears like a small dot in the middle of the 2 islands. Dako Island is on the right...

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The approximate length of the entire sandbar

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Photo op: Ready....

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... 1 ...

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... 2 ...

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... 3! ... (Nilipad! LOL)


  1. Finally completed. Yes the island hopping that we all wanted to do since 1992 is now a reality - thanks to Mama! :P

  2. hahaha! i'm delayed in my posts... a few more coming up :)


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