A Not So Secret Destination

I love summer breaks. It's the biggest block of free time in a year when we get to see places with family without eating up school time.

After our Hongkong / Macau trip and a few days stopover in Manila, which I chronicled here...

After Two Years
Wasting No Time
Day 2: Hollywood Hotel
Day 2: Checking Out Toy Story Land
What Remained of Day 2
Shopping and Xiao Long Bao
Macau Sightseeing
Manila Stopover

... we were off to another trip, this time, to my mother's province in Mindanao.

Enroute to Siargao

Siargao Island

Siargao Island
boardwalk made by our cousins' family fronting the property

Siargao Island
rural life...

Guyam Island
The boys at Guyam Island

Guyam Island
Guyam Island

Dako Island
This place is called Dako Island... Ha! It could very well be a description too of ME after days of eating fresh and yummy food

This is just the intro... More on the lovely places of General Luna, Cloud 9, Guyam Island, Dako Island, Naked Island and Magpupungko on my succeeding posts. :)


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