Gen. Luna - A Reacquaintance

My mother is from an island in the northeastern tip of Mindanao, called Siargao Island, from a town called Gen. Luna. The last time we've been to the place was a long time ago in 1997. And I was curious to see how much it has changed since then. So when my brother planned on visiting, my family and I decided to go as well. I booked tickets online with Cebu Pacific way in advance as the flights easily get full (small plane).

Back in the day, we had to fly to Surigao City and then take about 2 hours of ferry ride to Siargao Island. Now it is more convenient. The flight is short and flies directly to the island's airport.

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The airport...

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This lunch spread greeted us upon arrival

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This made me want to eat with my bare hands

Our first stop after the delicious home-cooked lunch was Ma's ancestral house which is a short drive away from where my aunt and brother's beach properties are. My aunt has converted it to a day care but the house still retains its aged charm.

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At the azotea

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All 12 of us by the steps leading to the dining room

And because summer days are long and time seems slower in the province, we went to see the world-famous Cloud 9, reputed to be "the best surf break (a barrelling right-hander) in the Philippines".


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  1. Any surfer in your family?

  2. hehehe none. my boys showed interest in learning it though...


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