A First Timer Down Under

By some stroke of luck, I was given a chance to go on a trip down under to join my husband who was to attend the CeBIT in Australia, in place of D. Although time was tight (as we were coming in from Siargao on May 18 and the flight to Sydney was on May 20th), we made adjustments to accommodate the last minute travel plans. It was to be a first trip to Australia for the two of us... yey! And... there were no kids in tow. LOL.

The flight was about 8 hours from Manila via PAL. And since it was the start of winter in that part of the globe, I worried whether I packed enough.

We got to Sydney at almost 7pm and the arrival area was crowded. The airport was okay and not far from how our own NAIA2 looks, IMO. There was no queue by the taxi terminal so we were on our way to Ibis Hotel in no time. The lady at the front desk graciously greeted us and said they gave Jerry a room facing the Darling Harbour.


Jerry went down to buy something from Oporto (if I remember right) near our hotel and when he came back, he brought some salad. It was not a big portion but we shared nonetheless. Ah yes! I realized I was already hungry after the irregular meal times inflight. "How much is this?", I asked (my brain on peso default started to convert), and I almost choked on the lettuce when I heard "10 AUD".


The view of Darling Harbour from the hotel room window...

001 hotel DSC07262
...at sunset...

001 hotel DSC07265
...at night...

002 a DSC07269
...and during the day...


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