Jake At 8

"I will <*** insert verb here ***> when I'm 8", Jake would usually say. So now that he has just turned 8, what's new? Well, among other things...

...he still talks a mile a minute

...he has expanded his food preference to include more veggies. Recently he ate with much relish the pasta dish with "malunggay" (moringa/horseradish tree) disguised by his Uncle Steve and Aunt Eya in pesto sauce. Haha!

... he has learned to take a shower by himself. He may be late or early compared with other kids, but what's the right age anyway? :). When he was asked what he cleans first, he proudly said, "...my b*tt!" and proceeded to brag "I soap it twice". LOL

...he finished Grade 1 with an exemplary grade that qualified him for his first academic silver medal. For somebody who often got reprimanded by his teachers for his excitable behavior in class, this is truly a milestone! And we are so looking forward to June when we and his grannies get to pin it on him. :)

It's only been less than a month since he turned 8. I can only imagine what the rest of his year would be like. :)

Jake's 8th birthday - dinner at Georg

Jake's 8th birthday - dinner at Georg


  1. Talks a mile a minute....that's an understatement! :D

  2. Oh wow. Time flies indeed. Just like when Jake talks :) I dont remember taking a shower at that 8, by myself. Ah, wala tayong shower. Tabo lang pala.

  3. Jerry: he didn't get that from me, right? hahaha!

    Junnie: meron tayong shower pero we used the pail because our hot water came from the kettle. we didn't have heater then. hehe... memories...


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