Backtrack - Dinner with the Yus, Lims, Shrimskis and Rapeses

The packed holiday schedule rendered us unable to join my in-laws (on my SIL's invitation) for dinner last December 29. I usually say yes to opportunities to bond with family and relatives like this one, (especially if it's dinner at Tin Gow! Haha!), but that was the same night we were at Marco Polo with 2 other families (the Khos and Villaruels) for an overnight stay...

When my SIL invited us again for dinner a few days later at Ginza, schedules were perfect and we made sure to go. Everyone was there and I could see Mommy enjoying the sight of her kids and grandkids (my Jake being the youngest... AND the most talkative in the bunch)... :)

dinner invitation by the yu family  
Jake pretending to be a chef
  one of 2 big tables for the clan :)
  Mommy and my SILs and BIL
  With my other SILs
  at ginza 
my Jake and hubby
About a week prior to this night, we were invited to dinner at the Shrimskis' residence. And luckily, schedules were open for all parties to meet up.

Dinner was just perfect. Food was superb as everything was prepared by BIL, the now famous Chef Steve of Cebu. :) I think I had more than I should have. Tsk. That night, any resolve to eat in small portions just went out the window. :)

  here with the Shrimskis...


  1. I see a happy family having fun!

  2. that's right kim. being with family is always a happy occasion :)


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