I Could Smell Summer Break

Today is the last day of tests for our high school boy. Our youngest is graduating from preschool this Saturday. Eldest son is at the tail end of his third term in uni. And then, vacation promptly follows.

This summer, high school son will join his batch mates in an immersion trip to Xiamen and will be away for two months. That practically means the whole summer break (April-May). It also means no family trip for us, unless we want to proceed with one member lacking. :)

Although schedules are tight or conflicting for all of us, we will find a way to spend quality time as a family with or without planned trips.

Meanwhile, here are some shots from a beach trip we had last January where we were all complete...

Stolen shot of me...not!
a stolen shot of me...

Through the hole
through the hole


Kyle, Jerry and Matt


Matt and I


  1. They boys are so big na! Even your bunso looks like he is growing fast like his brothers :)

  2. seems like its really summer! Matthew is becoming a runway model (Blue Steel) with his poses. Jake is the real model ;) Kyle will be a heart throb for sure.

    The parents - they will not be nesting soon with Jake still 7. Happy Graduation Jake!

  3. hi julie: empty-nest here i come. *knock-on-wood* hehehe

    hi kim and may: thanks!!!

    hi junnie: with one boy in college and another one going away to xiamen for a few months, we will be like china: "one child policy" with jake alone at home this summer. lol! thanks for the grad greeting!


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