LA Live and Staples Center

After our Manhattan Beach lunch and Beverly Hills bag shopping, our DIY tour of Los Angeles culminated in LA Live and Staples Center where Pa, Jerry, Junnie and Jerome watched a game between LA Lakers and Toronto Raptors.

It was a first for Pa and Jerry at Staples Center, and I'm sure they felt like boys again. They say it's a different high watching a game live, even if you are seated far from ringside. I guess it's because of mass hysteria or the collective energy of cheering fans. I wouldn't argue with them on that, men know their basketball in the same way women know their purses. It's their thing.

So while they braved the crowd inside the stadium and cheered rabidly as much as their lungs and vocal cords could take it, Ma and I went to survey the grounds of LA Live. The weather became cooler later in the night. And since it was a Friday, we were not surprised to see a large crowd milling about and socializing the night away.

We don't get to do this often but there we were, together, miles away from home. We just sat there, talked, took pictures, enjoyed the scenery, and simply savored the moment. Plus, LA Lakers won that night too! :)

View of LA Live from where I was sitting at Wolfgang Puck
my view of LA Live where I was sitting

At LA Live
the tourists

LA Live
the Arrezas

At LA Live
with Jerome

Papa and Junnie
Father and son - Lakers Fans


  1. LA Lakers fan since I was 9, transplanted to Toronto since 6 yrs wouldnt change that. But this game was a great experience, much bigger than the fact that the Lakers won but having sat beside Papa and Bro in Law Jerry was really a different "high".

    It was an advanced Birthday gift for both, Jerry last Dec 5 and Paparazzi on December 10! For me it was Christmas, being transformed to being a kid again with your dad beside you cheering together.

    Kobe though is no Santa :)

  2. hello junnie,

    loyal lakers fan you are but you would have been happy too if raptors won for your new homeland. hehehe....

    thanks for spending ($) and taking the time to bring pa and jerry to staples. it was perfect timing that your fave team was playing too.

    great times!

  3. Thanks Jun for making this wonderful experience happen. Wow, it was indeed an experience of a lifetime for a 69 year-old Paparazzi in me.

    Believe me, at Staples Center, I was literally STAPLED from start to finish! More of this kind, please in our next sojourn!

  4. hello papa(razzi),

    we'll make the next ones possible. hurry up and sell the house na! hahaha!


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