

Baby squid in olive oil, laing (gabi / taro leaves) - 2 ways, grilled liempo. Delish!


  1. Hi Ms. Linnor, I'm back browsing and reading your blog. Still remember me? Leslee here :)
    Im reading your blog since 2006.I haven't check your site a couple of years ago 'coz I was based in Batangas to take care of my mom and now I'm working again here in Makati and I suddenly thought of your blog, googled it and still enjoying what I'm reading.

    FYI: is not existing anymore...

  2. thanks pinayme :) 2006? wow! i'm glad to know you enjoy reading about our family's mini adventures. keep visiting! :D

  3. I didn't realize I used the pinayme name.hehe it's leslee btw. yes since 2006 pa. I also had blog before and you even commented on that.

    I remember pa na bet ko si kyle pagdating sa looks. I was kinda shock na binatilyo na sya.hehe

    I sent you an FB messgae :)



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