2010 SHS-ADC Intramurals

We were all up early yesterday (Saturday) to bring Kyle to his school intramurals. It was the opening day for high school students and everyone participated in the cheer dance competition.

Jerry and I were there to watch. Our eldest, who was in town for the weekend, chose to meet up with his buddies in their old campus as well.

I like being in their school during activities like this one. Everything looked very organized from the parking grounds to the program proper. And whatever hitches there may have been (I'm sure there were some), more than anything, the parents were excited to see the energy of the students as they cheered and danced.

I truly appreciate the blessing of being able to send the boys to this institution. Jerry and I see how the school population has grown. It used to have a predominantly Filipino-Chinese population, but with the bigger, more spacious campus, I now see a more varied mix of students. I heard that a lot from the nearby international school have moved here as well. And I think it's good.

With a bigger campus to run and a larger student population to manage, I'm confident the administrators will do their best to make sure the academic standards are maintained.

SHS-ADC 2010 Intrams
Kyle in his dancing and cheering form :D


  1. "Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the handsomest of them all?"

    You be the judge, proud Mama!

  2. of course lahat sila. hahaha! each one is distinctly handsome. naks. love my own ba?

    your comment is for my other post. nagka-swap.


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